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ASSOCHAM Webinar on Cutting Edge Career options of 21st Century

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:39 am
by admin
Webinar on

Cutting Edge Career options of 21st Century

Tuesday, 15th June 21 at 11:30 am

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Greetings from ASSOCHAM National Council on Education and Presidency University

ASSOCHAM is the oldest apex chamber of India, which started its endeavour of value creation for Indian industry in 1920. Having in its fold for more than 80 National Councils, National and State chambers, Trade Associations, it serves more than 4 lakhs direct and indirect MSME members from all over India.

We are pleased to announce that ASSOCHAM National Council on Education and Presidency University are organizing a webinar on Cutting Edge Career Options of 21st Century on Tuesday, 15 June 21 at 11:30 AM.

We are pleased to invite your participation in the webinar.

Click here for free registration:

Program flyer : 15th June.jpg

With your kind support and participation, we look forward to having your virtual presence at the session.

Contact for further details -

Mr. Deepak Chhabra, 9810540628, [email protected]

Mr. Harish Pushpakar, 9711746446 [email protected]

(Attendees of the complete session will get an e-certificate.)


Neeraj Arora

Senior Director & Head
GEM Green Building Certification Program
Councils on Water, Env. & Climate Change
Councils on Education & Skill
ASSOCHAM, New Delhi /